We have often heard that the Bhagavad Gita has solutions to all our problems. Well, good to hear, but how do we locate these solutions in the Bhagavad Gita? For the unversed, the Gita itself appears like a philosophical maze. The Gita Companion not only decodes the mystery of the Gita but also provides specific verses from the Gita to address our problems. Divided into two sections, this companion provides:

1) A crisp and captioned chapter-wise breakdown of the Gita’s teachings, with acronyms which accurately represent the message of each chapter,

2) Practical guidance for emotional transformation from negativity to positivity, just the way Lord Krishna did for Arjuna.
Whether you’re looking for clarity, peace, or purpose, this book shall be your lifelong companion for unlocking the eternal teachings of the Bhagavad Gita.